<## category.hts - search engine for htmlscript v2.97 PROCEDURE FOR INSTALLING THIS ACTIVE DOCUMENT: 1. Copy the sample datafiles "catpost.dat" and "categories.dat" to the directory where htmlscript data is stored. If you are uncertain what this means, then contact your site administrator. 2. Copy the sample active document file "category.hts" to the directory where htmlscript active documents are stored. 3. Change the SYSTEM CONFIGURATION VARIABLES 4. The active document should run!! WHERE TO GET HELP: htmlscript maintains an open list server for the htmlscript users group. You can post messages to this list with questions and items of interest for other htmlscript users. To subscribe to this list send email to majordomo@htmlscript.com with the following on the *first line* of the message body (not the subject): subscribe hts-users youremail@domain.com To post messages to the list send email to hts-users@htmlscript.com ##> <## This line builds the URL for this active document, it should not need to be changed. The server_name variable contains the domain name of the server. The script_name variable contains the path to the htmlscript executable. The arg1 variable contains the name of the active document ##> <## SYSTEM CONFIGURATION VARIABLES Set these variables to your system configuration ##> <## the file for maintaining the list of available categories ##> <## the file that contains all of the messages ##> <## build a convenient return home link ##> Go To Category Main Page"> <## END OF SYSTEM CONFIGURATION VARIABLES ##> <## If no extra arguments, then the active document is called for first time ##> <## If arguments, then active document is calling itself ##> Category Based Web Page Index

<## the following is called by the add form ##>

Your URL Has Been Added
To The Database


<## the following is called from a button on the main page ##>

Submit Your Entry To The Web Page Index




Description Of Link

<## the following is called from the main page links ##>

Available Pages For &[cat]



<## the following is called from the search form on main page ##>

Search Results


A total of &[found] entries matched your search.

Sorry, no documents found matching your search. <## this is the main page (called with no extra arguments) ##>

Category Based Index

Enter Search Word:
Add To Database

<## if we get here, then a bad argument was passed ##> Command Not Understood

Command Not Understood

The Category System received the commmand &[whatnext] which is not a valid command. If you believe that you have received this message in error, please contact &[administrator].